
Interview with Georgina De Rossi as Willa in Flunk


How did you get into acting? What led to you joining the cast of Flunk?

I was in denial about my passion for acting until I finally gave in about 2 years ago and decided to go for it. I moved cities, started a course, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself! I had wanted to do Flunk for a while, ever since I found out it was filmed in Melbourne. I auditioned a few times before I was finally lucky enough to get cast as Willa!

What unique insights do you bring to your character?

From what we have seen about Willa so far, she seems to do her own thing and doesn’t care too much about consequences or other people’s opinions. She is loyal to the people she does care about, which is something that I value a lot.

Have you ever experienced similar situations to your character in real life?

I’ve definitely had things happen that have changed the way you see a person you love, for whatever reason. You have to remain civil, if you work with them, but you can’t even look them in the eye or you will cry. It’s a terrible, gut-wrenching, confusing feeling.

How would you have responded in your character’s situation?

When Celeste came in to the shop with all that attitude, I was really genuinely fighting the urge to yell back at her! So I hope I would have stood up for my friend in real life and then showed them the door. You have to defend your loved ones and believe the best in them – innocent until proven guilty.

What’s a fun behind the scenes story you remember from filming Flunk season 5?

The first time we see Willa took a lot of takes to get right. I was, ironically, very late on my entrance every single time. I would miss my cue because I was either totally off with the fairies, distracted chatting to a stranger on the street, or I just couldn’t see the director waving their hands at me. It was my first scene so I was freaking out at what a terrible impression I was making.

I was also so happy to meet my favourite characters from past seasons. I remember sitting and having lunch with them, pretending like I wasn’t fangirling. It was the warmest friendliest set ever.

What do you think the future holds for your character? What would you like to see happen to them, and why?

I hope Willa and Ruby make up so that me and Liv get to hang out more! And I hope Willa quits her job and does something totally independent like run her own fashion brand because she’s pretty anti-establishment and not cut out for being told what to do!

What advice would you give to other actors starting out?

I have learned so much but mainly to leave your ego at the door. Listen to your teachers/coaches/superiors but never care what their opinion is or try to please them too much. When everything is new and exciting you have to set firm boundaries and take care of yourself. Always trust your gut.

Outside of acting, what are your other hobbies and activities?

A lot of music – flute/piano/guitar/singing/song writing. I love dancing so much at parties or festivals or [music] gigs. Thifting and fashion, swimming, skateboarding (badly), crocheting, writing and wikipedia deep-dives. I’m also a nanny which is the best job ever because it’s just hanging out and using your imagination all day.

What are your plans for the next 12 months?

I literally just dropped out of beauty school, so right now I have no idea. I think I’m going to just double down on my creative hobbies and see where it gets me. And save money.

How can the audience follow your career in the future?

I’m not too good at the self-promotion but I am trying to post more creative stuff on Instagram @georgina.de.rossi

Binge watch the full Flunk season 5 now (including exclusive behind the scenes videos) on Vimeo.

Last modified: May 12, 2024

One Response to :
Interview with Georgina De Rossi as Willa in Flunk

  1. Joanne Gwatkin-Williams says:

    Beautiful, I hope to see more of Willa …

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