
Interview with Kelsey Lampard as Larissa in Flunk


Kelsey Lampard as Larissa in FlunkHow did you get into acting? What led to you joining the cast of Flunk?

I’ve been acting since I was very young, and have always loved it. I love exploring new characters and finding what I can bring to each role. I watched Flunk on YouTube, and knew some other actors who were a part of the cast so when I saw auditions for season 5 I already knew the show and was excited to join.

What unique insights do you bring to your character?

For my character Larissa, I feel like I share her same sense of fun and adventure. I think that Larissa is more sensitive than she lets on, but hides it well underneath her boldness. I loved exploring her more manipulating side, as I found that she often stirs the pot and controls situations to get the outcome she wants.

Have you ever experienced similar situations to your character in real life?

Not specifically, but I can relate to Larissa always trying to find the fun in situations, and other people not always being on board with that.

How would you have responded in your character’s situation?

If I were in Larissa’s situation, I would probably initially be a bit hurt that Maxine hadn’t told me the truth about what was going on between her and Astrid. However, after finding out I would be happy for them and would want to know all the tea.

Astrid and Maxine

What’s a fun behind the scenes story you remember from filming Flunk season 5?

We got to film at the house that we were all staying in so it was a really fun way to meet the other cast members. After a big day of filming, we would all cook together!

Kelsey Lampard as Larissa in FlunkWhat do you think the future holds for your character? What would you like to see happen to them, and why?

I would love to see Larissa find her own friendship group that she feels valued and safe enough to show more of her vulnerability. I think in the future Larissa will be the CEO of a big company, I think she would love bossing people around. I can see her working for a fashion magazine and making her way to the top.

What advice would you give to other actors starting out?

Just to get as much acting experience as possible and try lots of different roles. Embracing your individuality and what you yourself can bring to the role is something that I find really helpful in my work.

Outside of acting, what are your other hobbies and activities?

Outside of acting I do lots of running, cooking and pottery. I moved to Melbourne a couple of years ago, so I love exploring the city and going on day trips.

What are your plans for the next 12 months?

I’ve got some fun travel plans coming up, and some acting things in the works!

How can the audience follow your career in the future?

My Instagram is @kelseylampard

Last modified: May 4, 2024

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